

由於展館是位於臺南藍曬圖園區裡面的店舖商家 -- 聚珍台灣,聚珍是書店及諸多小商品的商家,在這樣的場域內,希望除了作品的呈現之外,更能做到與店舖空間共同的展示,與人人治業的高樁討論過後,設計出了以書本及商品本身重量來固定、適合於書店空間展出的展架,達到讓商品與展品共存的方式,再以曬圖手法將作品曬出,是與藍曬圖園區呼應的小巧思。

Tainan Tour

以台南的插畫繪製及設計上的動線引導,將台南印象帶給觀者,走入這座美好城市。 使用台南生活自由式一書、除了插畫、及此書相關的設計作為展出內容,展品是台南市的特色街景,配合以動線出發點的展示方式,引領觀者進行一趟古都遊走。挑選適合聚珍台灣的專屬展出的方式,設定成「融入店家觀看商品動線」,並以「不打擾到店內的商品或是店家理念」為首先考量;在展品的呈現上,視覺及動線架設盡可能最不會成為障礙的小展架,上面將展出作品。

Moving in the city, is a unique way that designer to increase inspiration, Tainan is the hometown, the appearance of every single street, are strongly in the mind, and also, are private and exclusive memories.For exhibition, base on the book Southern Lifestyle, including illustration, design and other information, item of display with Tainan unique street view and moving line, to lead viewers with an old Tainan tour, walking into this beautiful city.Choosing suitable exhibition way in GJ. TAIWAN, best moving line to view together with GJ. TAIWAN, and not to disturb other items or the store itself for priority. In the display, using wooden shelf to less the obstructed of vision and setting.


展架設計:人人治業PEOPLE's work | 黃高樁

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